“Heart-warming Figures in School” Sharing Activity

[English version for reference only]

As part of EDUHK’s 30th anniversary celebrations, we are launching the “Heart-warming Figures in School” sharing activity to promote a culture of care and gratitude in the school community.  Students from kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and special schools are invited to submit true stories of touching moments or acts demonstrating care of students by any teaching staff or supporting staff members in their schools which they have experienced or witnessed.


The Activity is co-organised by the following EdUHK units:

  • Library
  • School Partnership and Field Experience Office
  • Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education
  • Centre for Chinese Classical Education
  • Hong Kong Museum of Education
  • Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education
  • To promote a culture of care and gratitude in the school community
  • To acknowledge and celebrate contributions of teaching staff and support staff to the growth of their students
  • Divided into 4 categories: Kindergartens, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Special Schools
  • All current students of the above 4 categories of schools in Hong Kong are welcome to participate. Each student may submit one true story of heart-warming act(s) by a particular staff member of his/her school, including but not limited to school principals, teachers, administrative and support staff, workmen, school bus drivers, etc.  Consent of the related staff member must be sought.

Interested students are required to fill in the Application Form (in Chinese only) and submit their stories in the following formats:

  • A written essay (either Chinese or English) not exceeding 500 words, scanned as PDF if handwritten, or  in A4 size if written with MS Word, file format should be either docx or pdf; or
  • A video clip no longer than 3 minutes, narrated in person by the student in either Chinese or English, file format should be either mov, mp4 or avi, resolution should be HD or 4K, video must be played at original recorded speed and playing time should not be compressed by software to avoid exceeding time limit.
  • Each written or video entry may be supplemented by no more than 3 supporting photos or pictures in jpg, png or pdf format.
  • If needed and depending on actual situation, parents of kindergarten and special school students may write or present on behalf of their children.
  • Entries by students of each school must be coordinated and collected centrally by the school. The school should submit the entries to https://eduhk.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cu28B57xleT4MKy.
  • Application Form, the work and supplementary items of each student should be placed in separate folder named with class and name of the student, e.g. P3A-CHAN-TAI-MAN-01.pdf, P3A-CHAN-TAI-MAN-02.pdf, S3B-LEE-SIU-MING.mp4.
  • The school should upload all files to shared cloud drive such as Google Drive or One Drive, and provide the link to the organisers.
  • Deadline of submission: Thursday, 27 June 2024 (extended).

All entries will be judged by a panel composing of EdUHK staff and retired school principals according to the following criteria:

  • Demonstration of gratitude (40%)
  • Relevancy (30%)
  • Creativity (20%)
  • Presentation (10%)
Awards and Recognition
  1. “Top 10 Heart-warming Figures in School” Awards
  • The panel will judge and select Top 10 Figures in each school category, with no differentiation of staff type.
  • Each of the 40 student awardees and the 40 featured school staff members will be awarded with certificates and book coupons of HK$1,000 respectively.
  1. Most Active Participation Awards
  • The top 3 schools with most entries in each caetgory will receive a trophy respectively.
Announcement of Results

“Most Active Participation Awards”

Category School NameIn alphabetical order
Special Schools CCC Kei Shun Special School
Caritas Mother Teresa School

TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School

Kindergartens Hong Kong Soka Kindergarten

Lok Sin Tong Cheung Yip Mou Ching Kindergarten

PLK Chan Seng Yee Kindergarten

Talent Kindergarten & Nursery

Primary Schools PLK Wong Wing Shu Primary School

S.K.H. Tsing Yi Estate Ho Chak Wan Primary School

Tseung Kwan O Government Primary School

Secondary Schools Mu Kuang English School

TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College

Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School

“Top 10 Heart-warming Figures in School” Awards
[Names of the student awardees and featured school staff members are in Chinese only]

Special Schools

School Name Student Awardee Featured School Staff Member
Caritas Mother Teresa School 劉佩盈 彭嘉瑛老師(老師)
Caritas Mother Teresa School 鄭曉晴 郭震輝先生(校巴司機)
Caritas Mother Teresa School 李美慧 張錦怡校長(校長)
Caritas Mother Teresa School 洪樂欣 郭震輝先生(校巴司機)
Caritas Mother Teresa School 曾衍珊 李愛麗女士(校工)
Caritas Mother Teresa School 石天恩 羅家文老師(老師)
Caritas Mother Teresa School 張憫晴 李愛麗女士(校工)
CCC Kei Shun Special School 陳樂曦 伍國平助理副校長(助理副校長)
CCC Kei Shun Special School 郭映桁 李蘭花副校長(副校長)
CCC Kei Shun Special School 黃汶杰 方子聰老師(老師)


School Name Student Awardee Featured School Staff Member
Lok Sin Tong Cheung Yip Mou Ching Kindergarten 黃珮珩 陳燕嫦老師(老師)
PLK Chan Seng Yee Kindergarten 趙泳媃 鍾嘉棋老師(老師)
PLK Chan Seng Yee Kindergarten 尹棱敬 廖永愛老師(老師)
Pooi To Primary School (KINDERGARTEN SECTION) 張軒誠 鄺淑琴女士(校工)
Pooi To Primary School (KINDERGARTEN SECTION) 黃浚一 胡梓軒老師(老師)
SKH St Christopher’s Nursery (Wan Chai) 安澤煦 江詠妍老師(老師)
S.K.H. Crown of Thorns Church Kwai Chung Kindergarten 倫塏晴 梁潔明校長(校長)
S.K.H. Crown of Thorns Church Kwai Chung Kindergarten 周子軒 梁潔明校長(校長)
S.K.H. Crown of Thorns Church Kwai Chung Kindergarten 楊安宜 梁潔明校長(校長)
Talent Kindergarten & Nursery 何梓榿 陸善宜主任(老師)

Primary Schools

School Name Student Awardee Featured School Staff Member
PLK Wong Wing Shu Primary School 李泓羲 陳愛流女士(校工)
PLK Wong Wing Shu Primary School 阮湘婷 蔡慧敏老師(老師)
PLK Wong Wing Shu Primary School 胡桐 王敏其老師(老師)
PLK Wong Wing Shu Primary School 陳修安 陳嘉璐老師(老師)
SKH Kei Tak Primary School 梁凱程 劉強校長(校長)
SKH Kei Tak Primary School 葉子銘 陳婉玲老師(老師)
St. Patrick’s School 陳沚寧 黃灌濠副校長(副校長)
Tai Po Old Market Public School (Plover Cove) 麥軒睿 馮尚斐老師(老師)
TWS St. Bonaventure Catholic Primary School 余卓茵 譚慧芬老師(老師)
TWS St. Bonaventure Catholic Primary School 李曉晴 陳嘉嘉老師(老師)

Secondary Schools

School Name Student Awardee Featured School Staff Member
Caritas St. Joseph Secondary School 吳萃恆 鄺凱銘老師(老師)
Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School 林品佑 林郁蓁老師(老師)
Jockey Club Man Kwan EduYoung College 杜進楠 麥穎聰老師(老師)
Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School 陳詠芯 林可怡老師(老師)
Mu Kuang English School 羅詩琪 陳紫營女士(社工)
Mu Kuang English School 羅敬凱 黃毅進先生(教練)
St. Clare’s Girls’ School 羅焯盈 陳明友女士(校工)
Victoria Shanghai Academy 羅安怡 梁少青女士(清潔員)
Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School 陳卓宇 廖宏晉老師(老師)
Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School 楊心言 林令怡副校長(副校長)
Award Presentation Ceremony

The 40 student awardees, the 40 featured school staff members and the 12 school awardees will be invited to receive the awards at the Award Presentation Ceremony to be held at the North Point Study Centre, The Education University of Hong Kong on 13 August 2024. Selected awardees and featured school staff members may also be invited to share their stories at the Ceremony.

Media Coverage

[Chinese only]


We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the following judges (In no particular order):

  • Mr Wong Kwok Kong, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Mr Ng Sui Ko, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Dr Yu Huen, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Mr Lee Siu Hok, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Ms Lam Wai Ling, JP, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Mr Kwok Chi Hung, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Ms Chan Chui Yin, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Ms Wong She Lai, Shirley, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Mr Ip Sing Piu, Antony, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Mr Tang Kwai Tai, Honorary School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Mr Yung Kong Sing, School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Mr Chan Ka Yun, School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Mr Wong Wai Tung, School Partnership Advisors, EdUHK
  • Dr Cheng Po Ying Sidney, Librarian, EdUHK
  • Dr Kam Wai Keung Kevin, Director, School Partnership and Field Experience Office, EdUHK
  • Mr CHAU Lap, Executive Co-Director, Centre for Classical Chinese Education, EdUHK
  • Ms Deng Kevinna Ying Yu, Curator, Hong Kong Museum of Education, EdUHK
Additional Regulations
  • All entries must be original works and do not infringe any third party’s rights such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets including musical composition or performance rights, video rights or image rights. Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification.
  • By submitting an entry, students and the featured school staff shall grant EdUHK the right to use their names, photographs and entries for publicity and promotional purposes on its website and any publications, at conferences, or at any other venues and social media without notifications and further compensation.
  • EdUHK reserves the right to reject any submission based on absolute sole discretion without assigning any reasons.
  • EdUHK reserves the right to interpret, alter and amend any Regulations and Guidelines of the Activity and to issue additional rules and regulations at any time it considers necessary.
  • If there is any inconsistency or conflict between English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
  • In case of disputes, EdUHK shall have the absolute and full right of final decision.