EdUHK SDGs Challenge 2025

Rules and Regulations

General Background

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a global commitment to addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. To contribute to these crucial goals, the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education (CEIE) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is organising the EdUHK SDGs Challenge.

This challenge focuses specifically on SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 4 (Quality Education), mobilising EdUHK students to actively engage in solving social problems related to health, well-being, and quality education. By encouraging students to develop innovative solutions that address issues in these areas, the challenge aims to:

  • Drive progress towards SDG 3 and SDG 4 through youth-led projects
  • Nurture a sense of global citizenship and social responsibility among participants
  • Enhance students’ creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial skills
  • Create positive social impact and improve lives in local communities
  • Foster collaboration between EdUHK and industry partners

Rules & Regulations

  1. Definitions
  • “CEIE” refers to Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education of EdUHK.
  • “Event” refers to EdUHK SDGs Challenge.
  • “Entry” or “Entries” refers to the project(s) and information submitted.
  • “Participating Team(s)” refers to teams of EdUHK students participating in this Event.
  • “Participating Student(s)” refers to EdUHK students in each Participating Team.
  • “Project(s)” refers to the final output(s) of each Participating Team submitted for this Event.
  1. Eligibility and Details of Event

2.1.      This Event is open to all full-time and part-time EdUHK students.

2.2.      Students will form teams of 4 to 6 members each, with a maximum of 15 teams.

2.3.      This is a 2-day event held at EdUHK, with briefings, workshops, ideation sessions, mentorship and final pitching.

2.4.      CEIE will provide HK$5,000 funding support for the Top 3 winning teams to execute their Projects between May and August 2025.

  1. Theme

3.1.      The theme of this Event is To develop innovative solution(s) to solve issue(s) related to Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3) or Quality Education (SDG 4)”.  Target groups include but not limited to underprivileged such as elderly, children from low-income families, people with physical disabilities, etc.

3.2.      Each Team is required to select at least one SDG to focus their Project on.

  1. Application Procedure

4.1.      Interested EdUHK students should form their teams and submit applications online via the Event Website by Tuesday, 15 April 2025. If there are more than 15 teams apply, CEIE will select 15 teams through interviews.

4.2.      By submitting an application to this Event, participating students agree to all terms and conditions of the Event, including all Rules and Regulations.

  1. Briefing

5.1.      A briefing for interested students on the details of this Event will be held at EdUHK at 9:30am to 10:30am on Thursday, 20 March 2025. Video recording of the briefing will be uploaded to the Event Website.

  1. Submission of Entries

6.1.      Each Participating Team must pitch their Project idea in PowerPoint Presentation format during the final pitching session on Day 2 of the Event.

6.2.      A PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides (in either English or Chinese) to introduce their project; each PowerPoint should include, but not limited to, the following:

  • The target group and the issue to be addressed;
  • Selected SDG(s);
  • Ideas of the project;
  • How it benefits the target group and resolves the social issues;
  • Method used in developing the project; and
  • Demonstration, if applicable.

6.3.      Winning teams must submit a 500-word reflection and 3-minute video highlighting their project outcomes by 7 September 2025.

6.4.      All items submitted must be original works of each team and do not infringe any third party’s rights such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, musical composition or performance rights, video rights, image rights, etc.  Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification.

6.5.      All items submitted must fully comply with all laws of Hong Kong, and must not:

a) contain any illegal, indecent, provocative, defamatory and hate-spreading contents;

b) promote illegal behaviour;

c) support racial, religious, sexual or other invidious prejudice;

d) advocate sexual or violent exploitation;

e) violate rights established by law or agreement;

f) invade the privacy of any person; or

g) be otherwise inappropriate as determined by CEIE

6.6.      CEIE reserves the right to reject any submission at its sole discretion without providing reasons.

6.7.      Participating teams shall grant CEIE the right to use their names, photographs, ideas and projects for publicity and promotional purposes on its website and any publications, at conferences, or at any other venues and social media without notifications and further compensation.

  1. Adjudication

7.1.      All teams will be invited to do a final pitching to the Judging Panel on Monday, 5 May 2025 at Special Education Room and Future Early Childhood & Primary Room, 1/F, Mong Man Wai Library, EdUHK.

7.2.      Each team will have 15 minutes of presentation without interruption from the judges, followed by a 10-minute Question & Answer session.  It is not compulsory for all team members to speak in the presentation, but each member is required to show up in the Final Pitching and participate the whole pitching session for better learning.  Absence from the Final Pitching is not allowed unless approved by CEIE in advance.

7.3.      All teams must agree to be bound by the decisions of the Judging Panel. In case of dispute, decision of the Judging Panel shall be final and appeal will not be entertained.

7.4.      Judging Panel of the Final Pitching comprises 3 panel members, including industrial leader, EdUHK academic staff and CEIE staff.

7.5.      Entries will be judged according to the following criteria:

Criteria Description Weighing
Value Creation & Social Impact Relevance and potential social impact in addressing the selected SDG 30%
Innovation Creativity and innovation of the solution 30%
Feasibility Feasibility of execution within time and budget 20%
Sustainability Consideration of long-term social, environmental, and economic sustainability 10%
Presentation Quality of the presentation and pitching 10%
  1. Awards

8.1.      In addition to the execution fund of HK5,000 per winning team, the top 3 winning teams of each division will receive the following prizes:

Awards Prize and Recognition
Champion ·     $2,000 book coupon

·     Certificate and a trophy

First Runner-up ·     $1,500 book coupon

·     Certificate and a trophy

Second Runner-up ·     $1,000 book coupon

·     Certificate and a trophy

8.2.      Each winning team will be awarded an execution fund of HK$5,000 to implement their project.

8.3.      The fund will be transferred to the designated student representative of each winning team.

8.4.      The fund may be used for:

a) Operating expenses directly related to the project, such as training, activity supplies, and other necessary expenses.

b) Food and beverage expenses, limited to 40% of the total project budget, with a maximum amount per person capped at HK$65. Consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited.

8.5.      The fund cannot be used for:

a) Items not stated in the approved project proposal.

b) Remuneration for student helpers.

8.6.      Original receipts for all expenses must be kept for financial reporting purposes. Receipts must clearly show the name of purchased item(s), purchase date, total amount, and company name/stamp, in accordance with the requirements of the Finance Office.

8.7.      CEIE reserves the right to make the final decision regarding funding and support for each winning team’s Project.

8.8.      Participation certificates will be issued to all participants in the Final Pitching.

8.9.      Award Presentation Ceremony tentatively will be held after the Final Pitching on Monday, 5 May 2025.

8.10.    If feasible and appropriate, the winning teams and other selected teams may be invited to display and present their ideas in person to visitors on EdUHK Campus or another downtown venue.

  1. Additional Regulations

9.1.      To ensure the fairness of the Event, participants shall bear an obligation of confidentiality.  Ideas of the projects shall not be disclosed or shared during the Challenge.

9.2.      CEIE reserves the right to interpret, alter and amend any Regulations and Guidelines of the Event and to issue additional rules and regulations at any time it considers necessary.

9.3.      In case of disputes, CEIE shall have the absolute and full right of final decision.

  1. Indemnity

10.1.    All participants shall indemnify and hold EdUHK, CEIE and their personnel harmless from any third-party claims for loss, damage, prejudice, liability, expense, etc. suffered as a result of any manner in connection with their project, any other of their acts or omissions or any information which they provided.

10.2.    EdUHK and CEIE shall not be liable to any participants in respect of any failure to win a Prize in the Event or any other losses, damages, costs, expenses, claims, liabilities, injuries, accidents, etc. suffered by the participants arising out of or in connection with the Event.

March 2025