

「2022學生市集 – 教大年宵」將於年二十、廿一(2022年1月22及23日,星期六及日)在D2 Place舉行,讓教大同學可以透過親身參與,發展和體驗企業和創新精神。同學可以嘗試經營自己的小生意,並向業界專家學習。「2022學生市集」市集獲教大校友、各中小學及其家長教師會、非政府組織及社會企業的支持和參與,設有百個攤位,售賣商品包括原創手工藝品、文具、各樣年貨、花卉、布藝飾物等,更設有各式各樣的藝術工作坊和親子工作坊,是一個充滿學院氣息和文藝創意的年宵市集,大家絕對不容錯過!

2022 年 1 月 22 日上午 11:30 至晚上 8 時
2022 年 1 月 23 日上午 11:00 至晚上 8 時

The Space, 2/F@D2 Place ONE (D2出口)






  • 陳錦泉先生
    Mr Andrew Chan





GroupNameProgramme of Study
StudentCheung Kwan YukBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts)
AlumniChow Wing YeeBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture (Visual Arts)
StudentLing Man YueBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts)
StudentLuk Hoi Nam YvetteBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts)
StudentNgai Wing LamBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts)
StudentNg Sau ChingBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts)



A區: 創業大吉文創區

B區: 豐衣足食衣飾區

C區: 生龍活虎生活區

D區: 大展身手手工坊




Judging Panel

Three Academic Advisors:

  • Professor Christina Yu Wai-mui 姚偉梅教授
  • Dr Law Kim Fai Eric 羅劍輝博士
  • Dr Ho Chun Sing, Maxwell 何振聲博士

Prizes for Each Award

a) Certificate of Award

b) $500 book coupon

Award 1: The Best Business Plan

  • Judging: Assessment by Judging Panel (100%)
  • Business Plan Submission Deadline: Monday, 3 January 2022
  • Judging Criteria:
    Originality of products and services40%
    Innovation in operational model and marketing strategies40%Feasibility of the operational model (e.g. risk control, marketing strategies, market analysis, financial management, etc.)
    Organisation skills and team building10%Team building / person-in-charge’s overall planning
    Presentation5%Executive summary, overall presentation, tidiness, preparation, etc.
    Reasonable profit prediction5%Financial viability of the business

Award 2: The Best Stall Design (Cancelled)

  • Judging: (a) Assessment by Judging Panel (50%) and (b) Voting by all visitors (50%)
  • Judging Criteria:
    Creativity in naming of stall (by Judging Panel)5%Creativity of stall’s name; can it reflect its business nature
    Overall design, theme and decoration of stall (by Judging Panel)45%Aesthetics and attractiveness of the stall, whether it can help draw target customers and stand out from the rest
    Voting by all visitors50%Each visitor can cast one vote to the stall they considered with the best design

Award 3: The Most Popular Stall (Cancelled)

  • Judging: Voting by all visitors (100%) – Each visitor can vote at most three favourite stalls. The stall receiving the highest votes will be the winner.

Award 4: The Best Product Design (Cancelled)

  • Judging: Assessment by Judging Panel (100%)
  • Judging Criteria:
    Overall design and functionality25%
    Manufacturing standard and craftsmanship25%
    Sustainability and environmental friendliness25%

    Product(s) of the winning team will be recommended to be official souvenir(s) of the University and/or for sale at the University’s souvenir shop.



電話: 29486511

電郵: eieu@eduhk.hk

  • EdUHK
  • EdUHK Library
  • EIEU