電子資源 (只有英文版)
SAGE Skills Business
Proxied URL: https://sk-sagepub-com.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/skills/business
SAGE Skills: Business offers comprehensive, easy-to-use, and interactive resources to support students in gaining the skills needed to transition from campus to the modern workplace. Students can develop and practice real-world business and professional skills with this new interactive digital resource covering over 850 business skills topics across Data Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Organizational Communication and Professionalism
SAGE Business Cases
Proxied URL: https://sk-sagepub-com.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/cases
Business Cases brings business to life, inspiring users to develop their own best practices and to prepare for professional success. The editorially curated collection covers emerging and underserved topics, moving beyond the typical boardroom to represent a diverse and global business environment to practically demonstrate how theories are applied in real organizations.
Advantages of using Business Cases
- Access a multidisciplinary collection of more than 5,500 cases from more than 120 countries
- Develop a detailed appreciation of core concepts at work through video, data, and audio resources alongside the text
- Keep pace with topical and developing business issues with short, news-driven Express Cases
- Learn from true stories of business success and setbacks from industries around the world
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is a 24/7 self-learning platform offering over 16,000 online courses on business, technology, and creative skills, taught by industry experts to support personal and professional growth. EdUHK has entered a license agreement with LinkedIn Learning that allows staff and students to have access to its extensive online training resources.
User Guide: https://libguides.eduhk.hk/linkedin-learning
Recommended Videos Available on LinkedIn Learning
大部分CEIE 活動均會進行錄影紀錄,教大同事及同學可於EdVideo 重溫。網址為 https://edvideo.lib.eduhk.hk/channels/eduhk/series/ceie。
- 共享辦公室:提供4個小組工作間(E01-E04),每組設置5個座位、55吋4K顯示屏和彈性組合傢俱。共享辦公室亦設有白板牆、投影機、錄影器材及廣播系統,因此可以隨時改變為講座、較大型會議、商業比賽、視像會議、遙距教學等場地。
- 會議室(E05):設有65吋4K顯示屏、彈性組合傢俱、白板牆和視像會議設備,可供9人使用。
- 初創特藏:收藏超過400種有關企業及創新的書籍和雜誌。
- 八達通3合1影印機:提供影印、掃瞄、無線列印功能。
為了讓使用者在輕鬆的環境下協作討論,初創基地是一個討論區及指定可以享用零食和飲品的地點,詳情請參閱已更新的圖書館飲食守則 https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/zh/food-and-drink-policy/
教大同學可以使用圖書館預約系統 (https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/booking/day.php?area=10) 預約小組工作間或會議室。圖書館會不時實施特別管制時段,屆時只有企業及創新教育組主辦或支持項目的參加者方可預約初創基地設施。